Why Versa WPC Planks: Everything you need to know | Everwood wpc

Versa WPC planks combine features of being highly defiant to deterioration in exterior weather conditions. With unique product features of being UV-resistant, waterproof, termite, and corrosion-proof, Versa WPC is available in a range of colors, widths, sizes, and finishes displaying the true elegance of pre-finished natural wood.

Versa WPC Planks – a Superior Solution

Versa WPC planks are non-brittle, and most beneficially do not require any maintenance, regular painting, or treatment making them the perfect material for multiple applications in exterior use. Unlike conventional material choices like natural wood, fiber cement planks and metals that are used for exterior cladding, exterior railings, exterior louvers, and gates, Versa WPC planks are a superior solution that delivers premium wood looks over years from being installed and they will look that way through their lifetime.

Adding to the appearance of wood through natural colors, Versa WPC planks are available in 2 surface options on the same plank that present the true characteristics of finished natural wood. One side of Versa WPC planks displays an engrained finish of natural wood and the other a machine-finished grooved surface. This allows for planks to be used in different applications with both surface options, offering flexibility in design.

Both surfaces have a high-quality silk matt appearance matching the true aesthetics of pre-finished natural wood.

Versa WPC planks are a clear winner over most materials for certain dominant characteristics namely, premium wood aesthetics, weathering and aging resistance, UV resistance, low maintenance, free from painting, coating, and related costs, anti-fading, discoloration, being splinter-free, corrosion and rot resistant, fire retardant, termite proof and better thermo dimensional stability. Most importantly, Versa WPC planks are easily installed in all applications requiring simple tools and very basic installation skills.